This is only the second black geode I have encountered on The Carver. This is dense black chalcedony, not basalt. Other photographs shown here are of the cabs which I cut from this black geode.
Rock #5343
I have never before encountered pitch black chalcedony in a Carver geode.
Chalcedony is a micro-crystalline quartz (silica) common in many agates. It can be many colors but is most often translucent or transparent. Pitch black coloration is, from my experience, very rare.
Click on the images below to view enlarged versions of this examples.
Rock #5336
Rock #5248
Rock #5241
One stone yielded a slab that I turned into this fancy-cut designer free form cab (Rock #5325), as well as stone #5258 below.
Rock #5325

Rock #5258
Last but not least. . .
This small flat-topped cab features a crystal filled vug and the ‘fill tube’ (term likely not geologically correct) all from a deeply colored yellow citrine geode. Unfortunately, the camera does not do justice to the deep yellow coloration.
Rock #5333
I hope you enjoy these Carver Agate Field anomalies.
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