TexasAmethystAgate Islesboro, Maine, Studio Tour

TexasAmethystAgate Islesboro, Maine, Studio Tour

I recently joined the Islesboro Arts Collective and participated in the group’s first annual studio tour held July 9, 2022.

While Texas Amethyst Agate is dedicated to researching and documenting The Carver Agate Field of West Texas, I expanded this focus to participate in this event by adding Maine gemstones to my lapidary/jewelry works.

The main stones featured included two handmade sterling silver cuff style Maine tourmaline bracelets. as well as jewelry incorporating three other gemstones found by me on Islesboro. These included green plasma jasper, brown/beige jasp-agate, and white Pripet Wharf marble included with ‘fools gold’.

I crafted fancy designer freeform gemstones from each of these Maine stones and set them in a gold fill wire wrap to create pendants. I really loved the green plasma jasper which contrasts beautifully with the wire wrap. The three pendants prepared for the studio tour as well as the Maine tourmaline cuff bracelets will soon be added to my online shop.

Green Plasma Jasper, Designer Freeform

The Collection

Jasp-Agate Pendant from Islesboro

Marble with Fools Gold Inclusion, Pripet Wharf Freeform, Designer Pendant

Maine Tourmaline, Cuff Style, Sterling Silver Bracelets
Click to enlarge



  1. Nice stuff Dad! Been awhile since I have seen anything from up here!

    • Thanks! It’s fun to work with local stones, particularly, the green plasma jasper. It looks real good in shiny gold.

    • John Carver aka Dad says:

      Thanks! It’s fun working with local stone, particularly the green plasma jasper. It looks good in shiny gold.

  2. Nice you expanded the offerings.

    • Thanks for your comment. The green plasma jasper was brought to Islesboro by the 10,000+ ft. deep glaciers which covered Islesboro and melted approximately 10,000 years ago. Hope things are moving forward for you.

  3. Your collection is looking nice. Way different from carver agates. How did you do the back on your pendant?

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