The new shop is incorporating a west facing wall which is nearly all glass. This will allow lots of westerly afternoon light and expansive views over the West Penobscot Bay located in mid-coast Maine.
The south shop wall has five 3×3 foot windows to maximize morning sunlight. Natural sunlight is great when you are cutting and polishing stones, or undertaking fine silver- smithing activities. Lots of windows also help with the short Maine winter days which have, at best, dim diffuse sunlight even on the clearest of days.
The shop takes shape
The shop’s interior will be sheathed in white pine boards which are locally sourced. Heating, cooling, and humidity control are done by an environmentally sensitive heat pump. For backup when the electric fails, there is a wood stove which I ‘feed’ with dead and dying trees which I cut from the property.
It sure is not West Texas, but it as good as I can make it on a spruce covered island off the coast of Maine. I hope to be back to lapidary work and silver- smithing by Thanksgiving of 2020.
So green!
Where are you located? Isleboro? Some day, Tanya will tell the story of leaving West Texas and the Carver.
What a beautiful place to live John! It’s so GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is very green and in 60 days or less it will be very white! More pics later.
Looking forward to coming to maine and see your new shop
Same inspired creations in the works with this move from one beautiful location in West Texas to another beautiful location on a large coastal island just a ferry ride from Linconville, Maine. Wishing you well with this stage of your long adventures with “rocks,” gemstones, silver-smithing, and creative art guided by knowledge,
Good to see the building is coming along. How big is it in feet by feet?
Are you coming back out here after the snow comes?