Designer Gem Stones Gallery #3 is now available! Be sure to visit and check out these new polished stones.
Photo #2225: Brecciated (fractured) jasper naturally re-cemented with silica.

Photo #2226: Fractured lava naturally re-cemented with silica forming a yellow-black agate band through the middle. These brecciated lava/agates are my second favorite Carver rock type.

Photo #2229: Fractured yellow jasper naturally re-cemented with silica and fortification agates and wild diverse inclusions.

Hey John,
I am amazed at the large variety of material you are finding.
I appreciate your comment. Sept.of 2019 on The Carver has yielded some more amazing stuff. Keep checking in as I have new posts coming up. Check out the west TX baconite and the ‘odd balls’. Give me a call when you are coming to Alpine.