Month: October 2017

Midland Gem and Mineral Society Presentation--Updated!

Midland Gem and Mineral Society Presentation–Updated!

Updated November 8 Here’s the Midland Gem and Mineral Society Facebook Posting about this presentation: My presentation to the Midland Gem and Mineral Society went great.  I took many rock pictures and specimens which everyone enjoyed.  Raymond Boswell was invaluable in the technical aspect of a visual slide presentation on the auditorium screen in the Sibley Nature Center.  Bill Halepeska did a great job assisting me in presenting the information to a large and interested group.  Thanks to Raymond, Bill, and the membership for sharing the evening with me.

The Blue Druzy

The Blue Druzy

Blue druzy unexpectedly discovered while disposing of brush. What a lucky accidental find! Click on an image to open the slideshow for larger views.