Month: May 2017


New Bracelet

Another new bracelet to add to the collection! This stone is cut from a cross section of a geode found in ‘The Carver’. Petite crystalline center with a ghostly outline surrounding the pure white geode crystals–all surrounded by a virtually transparent glowing golden agate with the outer edge of the geode rind peaking out from under the bezel.  This is an extremely unusual stone. Set in heavy sterling silver band handmade by J.L. Carver, numbered (#20), and marked with John L. Carver service mark.  The stone is from ‘the Carver’ find, completely natural, cut and polished by hand by J.L. Carver.

Three Amigos April Rock Hunt

Three Amigos April Rock Hunt

Two days of rocking turned up several kinds of moss agates (red, green and yellow), jasper,  agatized jasper, and brechiated jasper (yellow, orange, red, green….), plus nodules and agates.   Geologist Bill continued to ‘school’ us on the geology of ‘the Carver’.  A great time was had by all. Click on the images below to see the detailed versions. Left to right:  John Carver, Raymond Boswell, Bill Halepeska, on April rock hunt on ‘the Carver’.

New Bracelet

New Bracelet

This stone is cut from a cross section of a geode found in ‘The Carver’.  It has a petite open crystalline center which leads to the geode’s ‘fill tube’ .  The tube is surrounded by pink pastel agate which is then surrounded by an orange band. The tube plunges through the stone giving a sense of depth and three dimensions.  The orange is surrounded by a nearly clear colorless band of agate.  This stone is set in sterling silver, numbered, and marked with John L. Carver service mark.  The band is heavy silver.  Stone is from ‘the Carver’ find, completely natural, cut and polished by hand by J. L. Carver. This new bracelet is available in the shop.